Contributor: Annie
Scriptures Mark 10:45 John 15:13 Romans 1:18-2:3 1 Corinthians 6:20 Ephesians 1:7 Revelation 5:9
It’s clear throughout scripture, if we sin we face God’s judgement, under the Old or New Covenant. One of the many verses is Romans 2:2 And we know that God, in his justice, will punish anyone who does such things. Reading this in context, Paul is talking about not only those who do sin and lead others into sin, but also those who stand in judgement because they think they would never do something like that. Scripture says God rewards righteousness and punishes sin, but we are all sinners, so how can we escape the judgement for sin, it must be paid for?
Ah, but God is the God of Mercy, I hear you say. And, certainly, He is; mercy, love, forgiveness flow from Him eternally. But it is justice that redeems us, justice that grants us His righteousness.
Several years ago I heard a sermon where the minister posed the question “would you prefer the God of Mercy or of Justice?” Most chose mercy, so he proceeded to show them why he chose justice.
The minister explained. You decide to have a coffee after the service and head to the coffee shop to order your latte, then, as it is handed to you, you remember you have forgotten your wallet. You are now reliant on the mercy of the vendor to let you off, so you explain what has happened and he graciously gives your coffee. You may get away with this once, maybe even twice, but not indefinitely, somehow the coffee must be paid for. A friend of yours sees this happening, and privately goes to the vendor and gives him $100 telling him to give you all the coffee you want. Next Sunday, the vendor hands the coffee over, no problem, telling you that it’s been paid for. What’s the difference? There is money in the till to cover your coffee. Justice has been done, the price has been paid.
How does this relate to our redemption? God forgives you, not because He is kind, though He most certainly is, not because He is merciful, though He most certainly is. He forgives you because He is just, because the price has been paid with the precious blood of Christ.
What would you say to an Angel with a long sheet of paper with the name Jesus Christ at the top, followed by this list For planning your life before you were born No charge For coming to earth for you No charge For being beaten, ridiculed and mocked No charge For dying at Calvary on a cruel Roman cross No charge For going down into the grave No charge For rising from the dead and ascending into heaven No charge For sitting at the right Hand of God as your representative No charge For filling you with Holy Spirit No charge For giving you My Word No charge For preparing a home for you in heaven No charge For preparing the earth for My return and for you to reign with Me No charge
On the reverse of the paper, at the top is my name and below is this list, and in big red letters across the whole list are these words. PAID IN FULL
For all the pain I’ve caused GUILTY For all the anger I’ve caused GUILTY For all the disillusionment I’ve caused GUILTY For all the disappointment I’ve caused GUILTY For all the pain I have suffered GUILTY For all the anger I have experienced GUILTY
Prayer: Father God, we give everlasting thanks that we have been bought with the precious Blood of Christ, the price for our sin is paid in full. Not that we might continue sinning but turn in repentance to God each time we fail, knowing justice has been done, the price has been paid - in full.