Matthew 4:18-22
Isaiah 52:11-12
The voice spoke, softly yet in a tone that commanded attention, two simple words “Follow Me”. At those two words, scripture tells us that Peter, Andrew, James and John IMMEDIATELY left their families, their livelihood and followed Jesus.
“And I will make you fishers of men”. These four hard working men spent their lives, day after day, hauling nets in and out of the water, battling the sudden storms that whipped up on the lake, mending the nets that caught the precious fish that provided them with enough income to feed their families. They knew that it was tough work, long, exhausting hours, often for very little reward. It was dangerous work, battling those notorious storms. But, it was all the hope of sustenance that their families had. Yet, they immediately left it all behind to become fishers of men, whatever that would mean.
It’s that word “immediately” that makes this so compelling. What was it about this inconsequential man that caused them to be so reckless? He looked just like them, He had no visible entourage or massive army that could back up His words with authority, yet they followed, immediately, without thought or discussion. He hadn’t promised them great wealth or power. He hadn’t told them they would even have a different, more lucrative trade, they would still be hauling in nets, battling storms, working long hours. Only this time their catch would be men, and their reward would be eternal.
It’s easy to then say, “for the next three and a half years they followed Jesus as He carried out His Father’s work”. But they didn’t only follow Jesus for three and a half years, this was a lifelong commitment. Except for that brief time when grief and despair threw them into a panic, they didn’t again return to their trade of catching fish. They followed Jesus for the rest of their lives, asfishers of men.
Throughout the pages of history there have been so many who have given up everything that worldly society holds dear, physically removing themselves from it, and earnestly, lovingly following Jesus. And there are those who have faithfully, with true commitment, followed Jesus in the midst of society, surrounded by the temptations of the secular, hedonistic life it promotes, while steadfastly remaining pure and holy.
The prophet Isaiah records God exhorting His people, who carry His precious Life, to remove themselves from the temptations and tainting of this world, to be holy. It sounds so daunting. How do we remain holy while surrounded by such evil, such degradation and mockery of God Himself? The rest of that scripture is clear, we do not go alone. God not only goes before us, He is also our rear guard, and this battle has already been won.
Removing ourselves from all that this world offers us will never be trouble free or happy go lucky, Jesus made this very clear. Yet, as I heard a dear friend say, when weaccept His offer and walk with God, we walk in the Light. We may be surrounded by darkness, we may be unable to see the path ahead, but each step with our God is made in His Light. Sometimes it is the blinding light of total clarity of purpose and direction, but, often, it is the soft glow of candlelight gently assuring us that God is walking with us, shedding a precious pool of light on each quavering step we take.
We are so blessed that we have been granted the grace to know what those early disciples didn’t know, the battle was won at Calvary. Jesus gained the victory for us and tore the veil from top to bottom, giving us access to the Father and Hope for an eternity spent with Him in Glory. The power of Holy Spirit guides, counsels and teaches us as we, daily, choose to take His outstretched hand and walk with our God.
Prayer: Abba Father, thank You for walking before us, beside us and behind us. Thank You for being our constant Hope, our ever shining Light, our Armour for the battle, that keeps us holy and humble as we grow in our relationship with You each day. In Jesus Name we give You thanks, Amen