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Ruach Elohim



Genesis 1:2; 2:7 John 1:1

Do you ever ponder upon creation? I don’t mean doctrine or interpretation, but why? Why did God create the universes, why did He set the sun and the moon and the stars in their places? Why did He breathe the breath of life into Adam so that he became a living soul?

Ruach Elohim, the Breath of God, hovered over the earth. The uncreated God spoke into being the substance of this planet and His breath brought life. Tiny plankton, silver darting fish, massive whales filled the waters. Brightly feathered birds soared in the skies and sang their praises to Him. Animals of every description roamed the plains and hillsides. And men and women lived amongst this amazing creation.

All because His breath brought life.

God yearned for someone to delight over with singing. A creation that would revel in His Love for them, who would know the unlimited bounty of this Love that extends so far beyond their imagination.

Not an army of robots, but a family who wanted to be with Him just as He wanted to be with them, a family of living souls. So, these living souls, who have been created to know that there is something more, something deeper than the “now”, are given a choice. Do they lean towards the premise that all of creation just happened, that this was some massive cosmic accident? Or do they see the Hand of a loving, joyous, unlimited Creator whose Love cannot be contained but is all around us, in the tiniest detail.

John’s gospel begins with the beginning. “In the beginning was the Word”. The Word who spoke all we see around us into being. The Word who then left the Glory of the uncreated, eternal Throne of God, and obediently lived here among us, eventually dying the ignominious death of a common criminal, becoming sin for us, the perfect sacrifice. Who was then raised to life and lived for a further forty days among His followers, the Risen Christ who breathed upon them and said “receive the Holy Spirit”. Once more, the Breath that brings life.

On the Day of Pentecost, what drew the crowd to where the disciples were gathered together was the sound of a violent breath, a tempest blast filling the room where they were sitting. Not the tender infilling breath of Holy Spirit that had poured into them as Jesus had spoken. This was the power of the mighty Spirit who would now lead them to fulfil whatever task lay before them as they went out as witnesses of Jesus.

Our library of histories, of tales of heroism and abject defeat, of mighty battles and unshakeable faith, that we call our Bible is, we are often told, the inspired Word of God. The breath of God flows through the words written in our Bible, Holy Spirit breath that makes these words so different from all other written words. When we read these precious books, it is the very voice of God whispering to us through the pages, quickening our hearts to seek for more. Not for more knowledge or fame, not for wealth or status, but for more of Him, more of our Father God. The Three in One and One in Three. Our life, our breath. Our only Hope. Our Creator. Our Breath of Life.

Prayer: Father God, breathe in us each day, fill our lungs with Your Life, overflow us with Your amazing Love. Thank you Abba for what we can never repay, the salvation bought at Calvary, so that we might know the promise of eternal Life through the indwelling of Holy Spirit. Amen

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