Scriptures Job 38-42:6 Hosea 14:5
“Who has begotten the drops of dew?”
Have you gazed at the drops of dew, glistening in rainbow beauty as they cling to the wondrous threads of a spider web, and ever asked yourself why there is such magnificence in something that will disappear the moment the heat of the sun touches it?
Have you caught a snowflake in the palm of your hand and realised that there is not another one that is exactly the same as this fragile sculpture, and there never will be?
God has created this earth, this tiny blue planet in the midst of the blackness of space, as our home, specifically for us. But not just a place for us to live out our allotted time, a time when His greatest desire is for us to know Him and get to know Him more deeply each day. It is a place He has filled with so many plants, animals, natural wonders and incredible beauty just for us to have a glimpse of His Glory. It is a crack in the doorway to Heaven so that we can see what amazing joy and beauty await us on the other side of this life.
I marvel at the awe inspiring greatness of God who did this. The God who simply spoke, and uncreated light split the darkness. Where there once was nothing, now there is a creation in all its intricate, astoundingly careful detail. Along with Job, all I can do is repent in dust and ashes.
To hear of God, to know about Him, even to have a knowledge of the scriptures, is only the beginning of what He desires for us. He wants us, more deeply than we can ever understand, to see Him. But how, how do we see this magnificent, yet invisible God?
In those glorious chapters 38 to 41 in the book of Job, we have a clue, yet so much more than just a clue, we have a blueprint for how to begin to see God even as we continue our time here on earth. If we can use our natural eyes to absorb the immensity of what God has done in this Masterpiece He has created, suddenly our spiritual eyes begin to focus and the vision becomes clearer.
We will never fully understand or see our Father God this side of Heaven, but as we surrender our pride, our sinful nature that wants to attach all the glory of this creation to some cosmic accident, we are given the Grace, the Mercy, the undeserved Joy of the beginnings of this sight.
This week, as you go about your daily life, take time to read God’s challenge to Job and, with Job, allow God to bring you to your knees in awe and wonder at how amazing He is. And, my friends, also to be so aware of just how magnificently, how extravagantly God has done all of this so that we can see His Sovereignty in all things.
Hosea records what God said “I will be like the dew unto Israel”. When we see the world through God’s eyes, we realise that this Dew that He is, does not only nourish and refresh us. This Dew is so full of beauty, fragile, flawless beauty that can vanish in an instant should we treat it with contempt. As we stand in awe of our God, we learn that, in all and every part of our lives, He is sovereign, He has created and He will sustain. And it will be done His way, out of the immensity of His Love and Compassion for us, because it is He alone who knows what is the best way for us, because it is He who has created us.
Prayer: Father God, through Your love and patience, give us Your vision to see Your Hand in the whole wonder of creation. Grant us the grace to acknowledge and revere You for who You are, in all we do and all we say, every day of our lives. In the Name of Christ we pray, Amen