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On Eagle's Wings


Scriptures: Deuteronomy 32:9-14 Psalm 17:8 Isaiah 40:31 Exodus 19:4 Psalm 103:5 Zechariah 2:8 Psalm 61:2

Over the past couple of weeks we have thought about God, in His Goodness and Mercy, pursuing us, and how we need to adjust our expectation and accept this as a sure and certain promise from Him. I wonder if you, as I have done, have asked yourself why. Why would the God of all creation bother to chase me so that He can do me good, show me utter mercy and pour out His love upon me? Then I read a little phrase that crops up several times in our Bible, God regards us as “the apple of His eye”.

It’s not a phrase you hear much these days, popular language changes with the generations. When I was a child, it was something that grandparents often said of their grandchildren, or perhaps it was something Great Aunt Mary would say of her favourite nephew or niece. It was more than a passing term of endearment, it meant something very special, very precious and very valuable to the recipients of this loving remark. So, when we read that this is how God regards us, we need to take it seriously, for it comes from the Heart of God Himself to us, and it is a priceless treasure.

When we look at what God does for His children and how He pursues, guards and protects them, there can be no other explanation for His actions. For Him to give us the image of Himself as the great and mighty Father Eagle, is a beautiful picture of His love for those who are the apple of His eye. The Eagle stirs up the nest, plucking out all the soft lining so meticulously collected to pillow and soften the thorny branches, so that it becomes uncomfortable for the chicks to stay in the nest, just as He does for us. Then hovering above them, as they tentatively make the decision to leave on their first attempt at flying, intently watching each one. And then, swooping below them to carry them back to safety, catching them on His Mighty Wings when they fall, showing them what freedom and exuberance there is in flying and soaring on the air currents. This is what God does for us as we make our feeble attempts at flying free with Him, because we are the apple of His intently watching Eye.

In Psalm 61, David cries out to God to lead him to the Rock that is higher than he is, to the place of refuge, the strong tower. This is intertwined with the image of God as our Mighty Father Eagle as it is on the highest, craggiest, rocky peak that the eagles build their nests. Here on the highest rock, we are led, we are carried by our Father to the place where we can be hidden under His wings. We can dwell in safety under the warmth and protection of His feathers, held against His chest, listening to His heartbeat, totally secure. This blessed assurance is ours, this sure and certain hope that is revealed through Christ our Lord, paid for by His sacrifice and glorious resurrection.

Walking the path that God has already prepared for us, we can rejoice in the knowledge that His Goodness and Mercy are ever present with us, pursuing, guiding and carrying us wherever we may be led. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our human eyes could see the all encompassing presence of God going before, beside and behind us? When Jesus walked with His disciples, leading them, demonstrating Who He was through His teaching and miracles, they were blessed beyond anything they had ever known before. Yet, Jesus was clear that we are even more blessed when, not having seen with our human eyes, we believe. It often takes a leap of faith to truly believe that we are the apple of God’s eye, that He is the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient One who adores us beyond our understanding. He is Goodness and Mercy pursuing us all the days of our life.

Prayer: Abba Father, may fulfil the destiny You have for us, as we soar with You to the heights of heaven, being kept as the apple of Your eye, hidden under the shadow of Your wings, wrapped in Your love for all of our days. In Jesus Name,and by Holy Spirit we pray, Amen

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