Contributor: Annie
Scriptures: Genesis 1 Job 38 Psalm 139 Jeremiah 1:5
How would you define a miracle? Dictionaries say that it is an unexpected event that cannot be explained by scientific or natural laws. But, how far back do we need to dig to discover where the scientific or natural laws originate? Both laws relate to what exists in our world, posing the question, exactly how did anything come to exist in the first place? It is not humanly possible to create something out of nothing; raw material is always necessary for anything “new” to be created.
When Jesus walked this earth, He instigated events that could not be explained by science or nature, these are what are called “miracles”. And since His Resurrection and Ascension, more of these miracles have been performed in His Name. We have come to expect that miracles are limited to events such as these. But what if we expanded our thinking, what if we actually lived in the belief we say we have, then we would see that our whole world, including our very existence, is overflowing with miracles.
We are so blasé about this amazing world that it has become very easy to lose sight of all of the miracles that surround us. Do we live the belief of Genesis 1? That God spoke this world into being. In the book of Job, God asks Job where he was when He, God, laid the foundations of the earth, and continues throughout the chapter to expand this theme. Has Job entered into the treasures of the snow? The snow where each flake is uniquely created. There is no explanation for this, why each flake is unique, yet science has accepted this as the norm.
Fingerprints, DNA, just like the humble snowflake, are unique, again this is accepted and expected by everyone to be the case without exception. Yet, it is clear in Psalm 139 and Jeremiah 1 that God does the creating, He is the One who has chosen to create this uniqueness. Just because our expectation is that this is how it should be, does it make it any the less a miracle? The usual standby for answering obscure questions in the 21st century, the internet, doesn’t seem to have an answer to why the levels of oxygen in our atmosphere remains within the constants needed for our survival.
They just do.
And this is called a scientific law. No, this is a miracle of a magnitude we cannot imagine.
God has planned and executed down to the very last detail, every second of time, from the Beginning to the End. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Potter, fashioning and reworking the clay, creating something out of nothing. The miracles Jesus carried out, and every other one since, all the supernatural healing, provision, answer to prayer, are not only for the obvious purpose of healing etc. Jesus was the Visible Person of the Godhead, revealing the Invisible Father to us. The miraculous works are also there to demonstrate that every word spoken about God, the Creator of all, is true.
And this Revelation of God in the Person of Jesus Christ is the biggest miracle of all. When Holy Spirit opens the eyes of our understanding to this Revelation, then we can believe in the Master Potter who formed us and watches over our every moment. Then we can see the treasure in the snow.
We will understand the miracle that Jesus is the Son of the Living God, and, understanding, we will believe in all the other miracles.
Prayer: Mighty, Wonderful Father God, open the eyes of our hearts that we might know You for Who and What You truly are. Miracle worker, Promise keeper, Light in the thick darkness of man’s ignorance and arrogance.