Scriptures: Lamentations 3:21-29 Psalm 27 Isaiah 26:20
As I sit in my isolation bubble, seeing the myriad of ways people are finding to fill up their days popping up on news broadcasts and social media, I wonder what our forebears would think of our reactions to this disturbance to “normal” life. I also wonder what God thinks.
Within my lifetime, I have seen society change so dramatically. Worldwide we have become people who constantly crave entertainment, distraction, travel, anything to satisfy our senses, our insatiable desires. For centuries communities survived, even flourished, without what we see as our rights as human beings. And they still do today in so called third world countries. And where they do exist, very little is taken for granted. There is a knowledge, because of an awareness of the daily miracle of dawn, of rain, of sunlight, of sunset and night that brings rest and restoration, that their lives are dependant upon a force so much greater than themselves.
Jeremiah related that, while trouble and distress surrounded him, there was One who was ever faithful, One in whom he could hope. And his reaction was to cry out, to call from the depths of his being to God, who alone is faithful, who alone is his hope. He writes that it is good for man, for us, to hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. Is this what we are doing now? Are we waiting quietly?
I appreciate that in this time people are remembering what it is to be grateful to those who are caring for the sick, keeping food on our tables and light in our homes. But I grieve that there seems to be so much noise made about mankind’s achievements, while there is far less gratitude for the only One who is holding all the galaxies in sync. If God for one millisecond removed His control from the millions of universes He has created, they would splinter apart and be gone. Yet, despite receiving so little thanks, God is faithful.
Each day the dawn breaks, each day we have air to breathe, water to drink, strength in our bodies. Each day we have the opportunity to agree with the Psalmist and say “Your Face Lord will I seek”. This time we are going through is a gift from God, and, yes, I do know how strange that sounds when over 2 million people are suffering this plague and when so many have died.
God has gifted us TIME, which has to be seen as our most precious commodity, because when our time is over, nothing can prevent us taking our last breath. We have been given time to shut our doors, to hide ourselves under God’s wings and to wait, to wait on Him while this plague lasts.
God’s faithfulness to all the promises in His Word are paramount in His dealings with the people of this world. His faithfulness to always be with us, to always see those who have repented and turned to Him through the veil of the atoning blood of Christ, to draw closer to all those who would draw closer to Him.
In these days that we keep hearing are unprecedented, let us always remember that nothing takes God by surprise, nothing is unprecedented to Him.
In His faithfulness He continues to be our refuge, to hold us safe and to keep loving us without limit. Faithfulness that flows from the only One who knows the end from the beginning, Who holds this earth in the palm of His Loving Hands.
Prayer: Abba Father, may we always and ever worship You in grateful, humble adoration for Your amazing faithfulness. In Jesus Name, Amen.