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Following our Saviour


Scriptures: John 10:11 John 10:27 Psalm 23:1 Ephesians 5:1 John 8:12 John 3:16

As Christians we can find comfort, strength and guidance in following our Saviour, God loves us and knows our every need. In John 10:27 we read “My sheep listen to my voice, I know them, and they follow me”. To follow Jesus, we need to learn to recognize and listen to his voice. A good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep, protects them, guides them and loves them. Our Saviour died for us so that we may be set free from sin and have eternal life (John 3:16)

God often speaks to us through songs, there is a chorus of a song called “Shepherd of my soul”. This is sung by various people and the chorus is as follows: "Shepherd of my soul, I give you full control,Wherever you may lead, I will follow,I have made a choice to listen to your voice,Wherever you may lead I will go."

A shepherd knows what his sheep need, and a shepherd is at the side of his sheep. God, our Shepherd, knows what we need and takes care of us. We can place our trust in Him, following Him as our Lord and Saviour. Ephesians 5:1” Follow Gods example. Therefore, as dearly loved children”. Our shepherd (our Lord) is always by our side, He gave His life for us so that we might live and let our light shine. In John 8:12 we read “Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life”. Following our Saviour is not easy but we are encouraged to keep following Him.

Another song often sung by Jules Riding is “I have decided, to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back. The world before me the cross behind me, no turning back. I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back”.   Then there is the chorus from a song in the movie Sister Act, sung by choir led by Whoopi Goldberg “I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go. He’s my destiny, ever since he touched my heart, I know I will follow Him.” What wonderful words - ever since he touched my heart, I know I will follow Him. Following our Saviour is a commitment that, as Christians, we make when we give our lives to Him. For me there is no turning back and I will follow Him wherever He may lead me.

We can follow our Saviour by putting God first in our life, reading God’s words, listening to the Holy Spirit, and abiding in God’s love. Pray, seeking God’s wisdom and discernment for our lives. Psalm 23:1 tells us that the Lord is my Shepherd and everything I need. Our Saviour is by our side, leading and guiding as we follow Him AMEN

Prayer: Lord, we pray that we can follow You with all our hearts and minds. Wherever You may go we will follow. Wherever You may lead we will go. Through the power of Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen

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